
O friend! I care not for the desert's drawings

صاح ما لي وللرسوم القفار

1. O friend! I care not for the desert's drawings
Nor the camel driver's songs and tambourines

١. صاحِ ما لي وَلِلرُسومِ القِفارِ
وَلِنَعتِ المَطِيِّ وَالأَكوارِ

2. Wine and the morning cup have kept me from them
And the strumming tunes of strings and mandolines

٢. شَغَلَتني المُدامُ وَالقَصفُ عَنها
وَقِراعُ الطُنبورِ وَالأَوتارِ

3. Hearing the singing of a tender-glanced beauty
With a charm in her eyes that captivates and means

٣. وَاِستِماعي الغِناءَ مِن كُلِّ خَودٍ
ذاتِ دَلٍّ بِطَرفِها السَحّارِ

4. So leave me be, for that is far more pleasing
Than asking the earth, the rocks and terrains

٤. فَدَعوني فَذاكَ أَشهى وَأَحلى
مِن سُؤالِ التُرابِ وَالأَحجارِ