
They eulogized a dog, whose family became distinguished through his perseverance,

أنعت كلبا أهله من كده

1. They eulogized a dog, whose family became distinguished through his perseverance,
And all the good they possessed was through him.

١. أَنعَتُ كَلباً أَهلُهُ مِن كَدِّهِ
قَد سَعِدَت جُدودُهُم بِجَدِّهِ

2. His master would treat him like a servant,
Sleeping closest to his bed.

٢. وَكُلُّ خَيرٍ عِندَهُم مِن عِندِهِ
يَظَلُّ مَولاهُ لَهُ كَعَبدِهِ

3. When bare, he would cover him with his cloak,
With a black muzzle and tail tuft.

٣. يَبيتُ أَدنى صاحِبٍ مِن مَهدِهِ
وَإِن عَري جَلَّلَهُ بِبُردِهِ

4. The eye delights in his beauty and length of cheek,
And the delay of his lips and length of his jaw.

٤. ذا غُرَّةٍ مُحَجَّلاً بِزَندِهِ
تَلَذُّ مِنهُ العَينُ حُسنَ قَدِّهِ

5. The gazelles meet misery from his chasing,
He drinks the cup of difficulty through his resolve.

٥. تَأخيرُ شِدقَيهِ وَطولَ خَدِّهِ
تَلقى الظِباءُ عَنَتاً مِن طَردِهِ

6. Hunting them twenty in his lair,
What a remarkable dog of unique make!

٦. يَشرَبُ كَأسَ شَدَّها بِشَدِّهِ
يَصيدُها عِشرينَ في مُرقَدِّهِ

7. What a remarkable dog of unique make!

٧. يا لَكَ مِن كَلبٍ نَسيجِ وَحدِهِ
يا لَكَ مِن كَلبٍ نَسيجِ وَحدِهِ