
Decay spread in me, below and above,

دب في الفناء سفلا وعلوا

1. Decay spread in me, below and above,
And I saw myself dying, limb by limb.

١. دَبَّ فِيَّ الفَناءِ سُفلاً وَعُلوا
وَأَراني أَموتُ عُضواً فَعُضوا

2. There is no hour that has passed me by,
Except that it diminished me, in its bitterness, some part.

٢. لَيسَ مِن ساعَةٍ مَضَت لِيَ إِلّا
نَقَصَتني بِمَرِّها بِيَ جُزوا

3. My strength passed in obeying my soul,
And I remembered obeying God, in earnest.

٣. ذَهَبَت جِدَّتي بِطاعَةِ نَفسي
وَتَذَكَّرتُ طاعَةَ اللَهِ نِضوا

4. My soul yearned for nights and days,
Which I wasted in play and vanity.

٤. لَهفَ نَفسي عَلى لَيالٍ وَأَيّا
مٍ تَمَلَّيتُهُنَّ لِعباً وَلَهوا

5. We have done the worst evil, so God,
Forgive us, pardon us, and excuse us.

٥. قَد أَسَأنا كُلَّ الإِساءَةِ فَاللَ
هُمَّ صَفحاً عَنّا وَغُفراً وَعَفوا