
When the fox went too far in his transgression

لما غدا الثعلب في اعتدائه

1. When the fox went too far in his transgression
And his predestined end was behind him

١. لَمّا غَدا الثَعلَبُ في اِعتِدائِهِ
وَالأَجَلُ المَقدورُ مِن وَرائِهِ

2. Allah poured upon him from his enemies
A whip of torment, poured from the heavens

٢. صَبَّ عَلَيهِ اللَهُ مِن أَعدائِهِ
سوطَ عَذابٍ صُبَّ مِن سَمائِهِ

3. Blessed is He who gives abundantly of His bounty
You see him tending to his flock in their pens

٣. مُبارَكاً يُكثِرُ مِن نَعمائِهِ
تَرى لِمَولاهُ عَلى جِرائِهِ

4. The old shepherd huddling his sons
Cradling them at night in their blankets

٤. تَحَدُّبَ الشَيخِ عَلى أَبنائِهِ
يُكِنُّهُ بِاللَيلِ في غِطائِهِ

5. Drawing them close to his bosom
And if one was bare, he would wrap them in his cloak

٥. يوسِعُهُ ضَمّاً إِلى أَحشائِهِ
وَإِن عَرى جَلَّلَ في رِدائِهِ

6. Fearing hunger's pangs and their cries
He scrimps on the coarsest food for his dependents

٦. مِن خَشيَةِ الطَلِّ وَمِن أَندائِهِ
يَضُنُّ بِالأَرذَلِ مِن أَطلائِهِ

7. My brother Ukul scrimped on his provisions
Selling in the name of Allah his worthless wares

٧. ضَنَّ أَخي عُكلٍ عَلى عَطائِهِ
يَبيعُ بِاِسمِ اللَهِ في أَشلائِهِ

8. His exaltations and praises were his prayers
Until when he was laid out in his death shroud

٨. تَكبيرُهُ وَالحَمدُ مِن دُعائِهِ
حَتّى إِذا ما اِنشامَ في مَلائِهِ

9. And his beard was upon his loved ones
And nothing could save him from his illness

٩. وَصارَ لَحياهُ عَلى أَنسائِهِ
وَلَيسَ يُنجيهِ عَلى دِهائِهِ

10. The breaths exhaled in their relief
His lungs gurgled upon his bowels

١٠. تَنَسَّمُ الأَرواحِ في اِنبِرائِهِ
خَضخَضَ طُبيَيهِ عَلى أَمعائِهِ

11. And his jaws clamped upon his gums
Like a padlock clasping its hoop

١١. وَشَدَّ نابَيهِ عَلى عِلبائِهِ
كَدَجِّكَ القِفلَ عَلى أَشبائِهِ

12. As if seeking acquittal in his demise
Of a debt that he had no choice but to pay

١٢. كَأَنَّما يَطلُبُ في عِفائِهِ
دَيناً لَهُ لا بُدَّ مِن قَضائِهِ

13. So the fox probed in his blood
What a return to your ruins!

١٣. فَفَحَصَ الثَعلَبُ في دِمائِهِ
يا لَكَ مِن عادٍ إِلى حَوبائِهِ