
I long for both cupbearers, but my heart

أشتهي الساقيين لكن قلبي

1. I long for both cupbearers, but my heart
Is enamored with the younger of the two.

١. أَشتَهي الساقِيَينِ لَكِنَّ قَلبي
مُستَهامٌ بِأَصغَرِ الساقِيَينِ

2. It's not about his shirt he's wearing, but
The one with the tipped cap and dimpled cheeks.

٢. لَيسَ بِاللابِسِ القَميصَ وَلَكِن
ذي القِباءِ المُعَقرَبِ الصُدغَينِ

3. The one whom God adorned with beauty,
With a fine brow and elegant eyebrows.

٣. الَّذي بِالجَمالِ زَيَّنَهُ اللَ
هُ وَحُسنِ الجَبينِ وَالحاجِبَينِ

4. He lingers when summoned for a drink
In tranquility, stroking his sideburns.

٤. يَتَلاهى إِذا اِستَحَثَّ لِشُربٍ
في سُكونٍ وَيَمسَحُ العارِضَينِ

5. They teased him, though he knew not what they said
In their garb of cloak and waistcloth.

٥. خَرسَنوهُ وَما دَرى ما خُراسا
نُ بِلُبسِ القِباءِ وَالمِئزَرَينِ

6. They jested at his expense, while he
Retold in justice the tale of both their lives.

٦. هُم يَجورونَ في المُزاحِ عَلَيهِ
وَهوَ يَحكي بِعَدلِهِ العُمَرَينِ