1. Hamid, what has possessed you?
Have you gone mad or what has afflicted you?
١. حميدُ ماذا دهاكا
جُنِنتَ أم ما اعتراكا
2. If only my palms were reins
Wetting your palms
٢. لو أنّ كفّي عنانٍ
رطوبةً كفّاكا
3. And my cheeks were bridles
That would restrain your cheeks
٣. ووجنَتي تمتامٍ
تحكيهما وجنَتاكا
4. And my eyelashes were merciful
In their blinking upon your eyelashes
٤. ومُقلتي رحمةٍ في
زِناهُما مُقلتاكا
5. And the son of Tabia were a mule
Tied behind you
٥. ووزّةَ ابنِ تبيع
منوطةً من وراكا
6. Yet you were unique in beauty
When I carried your disregard
٦. وكنتَ في الحسن فردا
لما حملتُ جفاكا
7. I will diminish you in a group
Through the excellence of my response to you
٧. لأقمطَنَّك في عص
بةٍ بفضلِ رداكا
8. Until when we have turned
Away from you, we will come to you
٨. حتى إذا ما جدَلنا
كَ جانباً جئناكا
9. One who takes your slipper
And one who takes your walking stick
٩. من آخذٍ لكَ نعلاً
وآخذٍ مِشواكا
10. And people came to you
Who tear apart the nets
١٠. وقد أتاكَ أُناسٌ
يقطّعونَ الشباكا
11. And I ordered the Jan
Hawaqal and Dhinak
١١. وقد أمرتُ من الج
نِّ حوقلاً وضناكا
12. To line you up in fours and bless you
Until when you cannot bear the pounding of the rows moving
١٢. أن يصفِناكَ على أر
بع وأن يُبركاكا
13. They kept you, and if
You returned after that, they would crucify you
١٣. حتى إذا لم تُطِق من
وقع الصفان حِراكا
١٤. استبقياكَ فإن عُد
تَ بعدها صلَباكا