1. My youth has passed, and I've given up childish ways
Since gray hairs have attacked my temples to abrade
١. اِنقَضَت شِرَّتي فَعِفتُ المَلاهي
إِذ رَمى الشَيبُ مَفرِقي بِالدَواهي
2. The prohibition turned me toward righteousness
For I feared the talk of the blamer behind my back
٢. وَنَهَتني النُهى فَمِلتُ إِلى العَد
لِ وَأَشفَقتُ مِن مَقالَةِ ناهِ
3. O heedless one persisting upon sin so oft
No excuse remains at the time of standing still
٣. أَيُّها الغافِلُ المُقيمُ عَلى السَهَ
وِ وَلا عُذرَ في المُقامِ لِساهِ
4. On the day the sky lays bare what's atop all heads
By our deeds we cannot attain deliverance
٤. لا بِأَعمالِنا نُطيقُ خَلاصاً
يَومَ تَبدو السَماءُ فَوقَ الجِباهِ
5. Save that for my wrongs and neglect, I hope
God's bountiful pardon and grace I may invoke.
٥. غَيرَ أَنّي عَلى الإِساءَةِ وَالتَف
ريطِ راجٍ لِحُسنِ عَفوِ اللَهِ