1. Two repentant ones from Khuza'ah in the sands,
Whose beauty shone like the dawn's gentle light,
١. وَنَدمانِ صِدقٍ مِن خُزاعَةَ في الذُرا
أَغَرَّ كَضَوءِ الصُبحِ حُلوِ الشَمائِلِ
2. Mocking the necks of wealth in every pleasure,
Not heeding the words of chiding maidens.
٢. يُهينُ رِقابَ المالِ في كُلِّ لِذَّةٍ
وَلَيسَ بِسَمّاعٍ لِقَولِ العَواذِلِ
3. A noble man quick of hand that trembles with dew
As a sword trembled in the palms of polishings.
٣. كَريمٍ مَتيرِ الكَفِّ يَهتَزُّ لِلنَدى
كَما اهتَزَّ سَيفٌ في أَكُفِّ الصَياقِلِ
4. I gave her the shade of a furled Syrian cloak
A chaste maiden taken captive from Babylon.
٤. ظَلَلتُ أُعاطيهِ سُلافَةَ قَرقَفٍ
مُخَدَّرَةٍ عَذراءَ مِن سَبيِ بابِلِ
5. Of a generous stock whose seal was unbroken,
And not defiled in the bellies of grindings.
٥. سَليلَةَ كَرمٍ لَم يُفَضُّ خِتامُها
وَلَم يَلتَذِعها في بُطونِ المَراجِلِ
6. Her summers and winters come upon her,
And a midwife succeeds a midwife for her.
٦. يَكُرُّ عَلَيها صَيفُها وَشِتائُها
وَيَأتي عَلَيها قابِلٌ بَعدَ قابِلِ
7. You see the cup passing between us as though
It shuttled between us with the most noble.
٧. تَرى الكَأسَ تَسعى بَينَنا فَكَأَنَّما
تَرَدَّدَ فيما بَينَنا بِالأَصائِلِ
8. It did not stop until the dawn brought it around
And it carried us into every right and wrong.
٨. فَما بَرِحَت حَتّى الصَباحِ يُديرُها
وَيَجري بِنا في كُلِّ حَقٍّ وَباطِلِ
9. Between one laid out overflowing in death
And one leaning his head to the side in decline.
٩. فَبَينَ صَريعٍ قَد تَجَدَّلَ طافِحاً
إِلى ذي وِسادٍ مائِلِ الرَأسِ زائِلِ
10. When I saw the dawn bare its face,
And the bells of darkness toll in the temples,
١٠. فَلَمّا رَأَيتُ الصُبحَ أَسفَرَ وَجهُهُ
وَحَنَّت نَواقيسُ الدُجى في الهَياكِلِ
11. I started to rouse him, calling him by name,
And he answered sluggishly and heavily:
١١. طَفِقتُ أُفَدّيهِ وَأَدعوهُ بِاسمِهِ
فَقالَ مُجيباً ما تَشا بِتَثاقُلِ
12. "May my soul ransom you, and my family,
And every singing cricket and sand grouse ransom you.
١٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ تَفديكَ نَفسي وَأُسرَتي
وَيَفديكَ طُرّاً كُلُّ حافٍ وَناعِلِ
13. Do you not see the light of dawn and its brilliance?
Do you not hear the cooing of the roving doves?
١٣. أَلَستَ تَرى ضَوءَ الصَباحِ وَنورَهُ
وَتَسمَعَ تَغريدَ الحَمامِ الثَواكِلِ
14. Rise, greet the morn, and shake off its intoxication,
For nothing compares to the hastening dawn."
١٤. فَقُم فَاصطَبِحها وَانفِ عَنكَ خُمارَها
فَلَيسَ لَها مِثلُ الصَبوحِ المُعاجِلِ
15. He did not stop until he tasted it reluctantly,
Restoring his spirit to his limbs.
١٥. فَما زالَ حَتّى ذاقَها مُتَكَرِّهاً
فَرَدَّت إِلَيهِ روحَهُ في المَفاصِلِ
16. Until he sang blithely and merrily
The song of love's master, prolific and fertile.
١٦. وَحَتّى تَغَنّى لاهِياً مُتَطَرِّباً
غِناءَ عَميدِ القَلبِ نَشوَنَ ناحِلِ
17. Oh my two friends, crooked of heart,
Weep with the bereaved in their homes.
١٧. خَليلَيَّ عوجا مِن صُدورِ الرَواحِلِ
بِجُمهورِ حُزوى فَابكِيا في المَنازِلِ