1. Had you loved a pearl, I'd not have asked of them,
"Have you a girdle's end to lend?"
١. لَو كُنتَ تَعشَقُ دُرّاً ما سَأَلتُهُمُ
هَل عِندَكُم فَضلُ زُنّارٍ تُعيروني
2. Nor would I ask for any pearl but her kiss -
In it lies healing, if she would grant it me.
٢. وَلَستُ أَسأَلُ دُرّاً غَيرَ قُبلَتِها
فَإِنَّ فيها شِفاءً لَو تُواتيني
3. I mixed my faith with the faith of the Rum, so they mingled
As water mingles with sweet basil drink.
٣. مَزَجتُ ديني بِدينِ الرومِ فَاِمتَزَجا
كَالماءِ يُمزَجُ بِالصِرفِ الرَساطونِ
4. I seek not, my censurer, to replace her;
For through them my faith has become two faiths in one.
٤. فَلَستُ أَبغي بِها يا عاذِلي بَدَلاً
إِذ صارَ لي بِهِمُ دينانِ في دينِ