1. Obey the caliph and disobey the one of meager skill
And abstain from frivolity and empty chatter
١. أَطِعِ الخَليفَةَ وَاِعصِ ذا عَزفِ
وَتَنَحَّ عَن طَرَبٍ وَعَن قَصفِ
2. The caliph's eye is entrusted upon me
Caution has tied its knot with my knot
٢. عَينُ الخَليفَةِ بي مُوَكَّلَةٌ
عَقَدَ الحِذارُ بِطَرفِهِ طَرفي
3. My overtness is wholesome for him yet I see
My conscience's religion for him hangs by a thread
٣. صَحَّت عَلانِيَتي لَهُ وَأَرى
دينَ الضَميرِ لَهُ عَلى حَرفِ
4. So if I promise you to leave it for a while
I truly fear for you my treachery
٤. فَلَئِن وَعَدتُكَ تَركَها عِدَةً
إِنّي عَلَيكَ لَخائِفٌ خُلفي
5. Its occurrences turned and its onlooker
Is pretentious of that which he hides within
٥. دارَت فَواقِعُها فَناظِرُهُ
مُتَصَنِّعٌ بِخِلافِ ما يُخفي
6. And a wine-bearer who enlivens souls with it
Its magnificent traces are beyond description
٦. وَمُدامَةٍ تَحيا النُفوسُ بِها
جَلَّت مَآثِرُها عَنِ الوَصفِ
7. Emancipated in its lowliness for eras
Until it came halfway
٧. قَد عُتِّقَت في دَنِّها حِقَباً
حَتّى إِذا آلَت إِلى النِصفِ
8. They stripped the mask of clay from a fading life
The threshold of death, the living's environ
٨. سَلَبوا قِناعَ الطينِ عَن رَمَقٍ
حَيِّ الحَياةِ مُشارِفُ الحَتفِ
9. So it breathed in the abode when blended
Like the breathing of basil in the nostril
٩. فَتَنَفَّسَت في البَيتِ إِذ مُزِجَت
كَتَنَفُّسِ الرَيحانِ في الأَنفِ
10. From the palm of a large-handled pitcher
Not to mention its beauty and its grace
١٠. مِن كَفِّ ساقِيَةٍ مُقَرطَقَةٍ
ناهيكَ مِن حُسنٍ وَمِن ظُرفِ
11. It looked with the eyes of a sleepy drunk
And it glanced with the tales of the protective veil
١١. نَظَرَت بِعَينَي جُؤذَرٍ خَرِقٍ
وَتَلَفَّتَت بِسَوالِفِ الخِشفِ
12. It said, and it began to sway to and fro for me
Like the swaying of a walker on the tambourine
١٢. قالَت وَقَد جَعَلَت تَمايَلُ لي
كَتَمايُلِ الماشي عَلى الدَفِّ
13. When I come face-forward my face intercedes for me
And the torment of your heart is the beauty of what's behind me
١٣. وَجهي إِذا أَقبَلتُ يَشفَعُ لي
وَعَذابُ قَلبِكَ حُسنُ ما خَلفي