
The only joy in life is to drink clear wine

ما لذة العيش إلا شرب صافية

1. The only joy in life is to drink clear wine
In a tavern or in the shade of an orchard.

١. ما لَذَّةُ العَيشِ إِلّا شُربُ صافِيَةٍ
في بَيتِ خَمّارَةٍ أَو ظِلُّ بُستانِ

2. A blonde, reddish when mixed,
As if it were a cheek marked with two colors.

٢. صَفراءُ كَرخِيَّةٌ حَمراءُ إِذ مُزِجَت
كَأَنَّها وَجِلٌ يَعلوهُ لَونانِ

3. Served by an effeminate in the garb of a maid,
His cheek scented with the best perfume.

٣. يَسعى بِها خَنِثٌ في زِيِّ جارِيَةٍ
مُطَيَّبٌ صُدغُهُ في طَيِّبِ البانِ

4. Greetings to Nadim when he came forward to kiss
Eagerly sipping from the cup, lively and tireless.

٤. حَيّا نَدامايَ بِالتَقبيلِ حينَ سَعى
بِالكَأسِ يَحبو نَشيطاً غَيرَ كَسلانِ

5. At times it is our racecourse where we train
Spirited steeds that are not lazy.

٥. فَتارَةً هُوَ مَيدانٌ نَروضُ بِهِ
ضَوامِراً قُرَّحاً لَيسَت بِثُنيانِ

6. And at times it is our cupbearer and narcissus,
My soul is ransom for you, O cupbearer and racecourse.

٦. وَتارَةً هُوَ ساقينا وَنَرجِسُنا
نَفسي فِداأُكَ مِن ساقٍ وَمَيدانِ