
How ugly is estrangement for the lover, and how

ما أقبح الهجر بالمحب وما

1. How ugly is estrangement for the lover, and how
Fair is the union of the beloved, if only they knew!

١. ما أَقبَحَ الهَجرَ بِالمُحِبِّ وَما
أَحسَنَ وَصلَ الحَبيبِ لَو عَلِما

2. O love, why do you abandon me so often?
God has changed your "No" to "Yes."

٢. يا حُبُّ لا مِنكَ كَم تُبَرِّحُ بي
فَبَدَّلَ اللَهُ قَولَ لا نَعَما

3. O you who broke your vow and our union, you have
Turned my eyes to tears of blood.

٣. يا ناقِضَ العَهدِ وَالوِصالِ لَقَد
أَبدَلتَ عَينَيَّ بِالدُموعِ دَما

4. To the point that my secret has spread
And I have become to people a symbol of passion.

٤. حَتّى لَقَد شاعَ ما أُكاتِمُهُ
وَصِرتُ لِلناسِ في الهَوى عَلَما

5. O people, whoever saw someone
Touched by yearning and passion, greet them in peace.

٥. يا مَعشَرَ الناسِ مَن رَأى أَحَداً
قَد مَسَّهُ الشَوقُ وَالهَوى سَلِما

6. One who opposes me, I have been afflicted by him—
The best of God's creations, always smiling.

٦. مُخالِفٌ لي قَدِ اِبتُليتُ بِهِ
أَحسَنُ خَلقِ الإِلَهِ مُبتَسِما