1. With cheeks delicately curved at the temple
There is magic in his glances, impudence and flirtation
١. وَمُعَقرَبِ الصُدغَينِ في لَحَظاتِهِ
سِحرٌ وَفيهِ تَظَرُّفٌ وَمُجونُ
2. Assailing both cheeks, though his touch is soft as silk
His heart is firm as iron
٢. مُتَوَرِّدُ الخَدَّينِ أَمّا مَسُّهُ
فَنَدٍ وَأَمّا قَلبُهُ فَمَتينُ
3. Our eyes gather the beauty of his face
Thus the heart of every young man is captivated by him
٣. أَبصارُنا تَجني مَحاسِنَ وَجهِهِ
فَفُؤادُ كُلِّ فَتىً بِهِ مَفتونُ
4. When the sun is absent, his face illuminates
And the moon's place can be seen when it emerges
٤. إِن غابَتِ الشَمسُ اِستُضيءَ بِوَجهِهِ
وَيُرى مَكانَ البَدرِ حينَ يَبينُ
5. I secretly met him before, it was sweeter than wishes
My heart will be forever captive to those moments
٥. خالَستُهُ قُبَلاً أَلَذَّ مِنَ المُنى
قَلبي بِها حَتّى المَماتِ رَهينُ
6. Oh you who broke pacts and afflicted me
I did not know this would come to pass
٦. يا ذا الَّذي نَقَضَ العُهودَ وَمَلَّني
ما كُنتُ أَعلَمُ أَنَّ ذا سَيَكونُ