
Oh Lord of the night, I stay in bliss

يا رب ليل بت في نعمة

1. Oh Lord of the night, I stay in bliss
By a fair youth of smiling grace,

١. يا رُبَّ لَيلٍ بِتُّ في نِعمَةٍ
عِندَ فَتىً أَبيَضَ بَسّامِ

2. With a leg whose lovely face
Gives justly, no darkness or excess.

٢. بِجَنبِ ساقٍ حَسَنٍ وَجهُهُ
في السَقيِ عَدلٍ غَيرِ ظَلّامِ

3. All night he serves me with drink in a cup
Poured from a pitcher, received in my palms

٣. قَد باتَ يَسقينِيَ دِرياقَةً
سالَت مِنَ الإِبريقِ في الجامِ