1. A constant drinking companion through the night
As the dawn covered the darkness with its gown
١. وَنَديمٍ لَم يَزَل ساقِيَنا
وَعَلى الصُبحِ مِنَ اللَيلِ إِزارُ
2. He drank until his night came to an end
And the dawn clothed him in a robe beyond reproach
٢. فَاِحتَسى حَتّى تَوَلّى لَيلُهُ
فَكَساهُ الصُبحُ ثَوباً ما يُعارُ
3. In his drunkenness he raved for a while
Then sleepiness overcame him like a veil
٣. فَتَغَشّاهُ كَراهُ فَهَذى
ساعَةً ثُمَّ تَغَشّاهُ الخُمارُ
4. He straightened up from his slumber
Like a falcon shaking off dust from its head
٤. فَاِستَوى كَالصَقرِ مِن رِقدَتِهِ
يَنفُضُ الرَأسَ وَما فيهِ غُبارُ