
With the priest's prostration on the day of prostration

بسجود القسيس يوم السجود

1. With the priest's prostration on the day of prostration
And the honored, baptized cross

١. بِسُجودِ القِسّيسِ يَومَ السُجودِ
وَالصَليبِ المُعَظَّمِ المَعمودِ

2. And the Gospels, Psalms, and censers in the hand of a worshipped worshipper
And truly with the bell of the consecration of the flesh

٢. وَالأَناجيلِ وَالمَزاميرِ وَالمِس
راجِ في كَفِّ عابِدٍ مَعبودِ

3. And with its locks and with the stole
And with the marble in its homes

٣. وَبِناقوسِ بيعَةِ اللَحمِ حَقّاً
وَبِأَقفالِها وَبِالإِقليدِ

4. And with the pillars under its ceilings
And with the slaughter you mentioned, that God

٤. وَبِما في بُيوتِها مِن رُخامٍ
وَبِما تَحتِ سَقفِها مِن عَمودِ

5. Did not confirm His name among the servants
With the beautiful perfection, you have only become

٥. وَبِذَبحِ الَّذي ذَكَرتُم بِأَنَّ ال
لاهَ لَم يُثبِتِ اِسمَهُ في العَبيدِ

6. A wounded cheek, fearful of threat

٦. بِالجَمالِ البَديعِ إِلّا رَثَيتُم
لِشَجٍ مُثخَنٍ بِخَوفِ الوَعيدِ