1. He raised his voice and called out,
"O Abu Isa the Generous!
١. رَفَعَ الصَوتَ فَنادى
يا أَبا عيسى الجَوادا
2. Be a pillar, O son of one who was
a refuge and pillar.
٢. كُن عِماداً يا اِبنَ مَن كا
نَ غِياثاً وَعِمادا
3. And save a body which
died or almost did, they said.
٣. وَتَدارَك جَسَداً قَد
ماتَ أَو قَد قيلَ كادا
4. Say to him, if he says: 'Have you repented?'
'Yes, I have repented and increased.'
٤. قُل لَهُ إِن قالَ هَل تا
بَ نَعَم تابَ وَزادا
5. And include in repentance whoever
whenever they relapse, returns."
٥. وَاِضمَنِ التَوبَةَ عَمَّن
كُلَّما أَطراكَ عادا