
Love thrived for its leader

طاب الهوى لعميده

1. Love thrived for its leader
If not for the obstruction of barriers

١. طابَ الهَوى لِعَميدِه
لَولا اِعتِراضُ صُدودِه

2. And the love of Rim led me
With fluttering forelocks and fleeing

٢. وَقادَني حُبُّ ريمٍ
مُهَفهَفِ الكَشحِ رودِه

3. Like the full moon on the night of the tenth
And fourteenth in its ascension

٣. كَالبَدرِ لَيلَةَ عَشرٍ
وَأَربَعٍ لِسُعودِه

4. He started to glance at us
With his eyelids and forehead

٤. بَدا يُدِلُّ عَلَينا
بِمُقلَتَيهِ وَجيدِه

5. So he hunted me to my dove
His coldness causing me apprehension

٥. فَاِصطادَني لِحِمامي
تَخطارُهُ في بُرودِه

6. Thus I stood facing an enemy
Hardhearted like granite stone

٦. فَقُمتُ نُصبَ عَدُوٍّ
قاسي الفُؤادِ كَنودِه

7. I cannot escape
From his lightning and thunder

٧. لا أَستَطيعُ فِراراً
مِن بَرقِهِ وَرُعودِه

8. And the army of love surrounds me
With its horses and soldiers

٨. وَعَسكَرُ الحُبِّ حَولي
بِخَيلِهِ وَجُنودِه

9. So if I go right
I fear the falling of promises

٩. فَإِن عَدَلتُ يَميناً
خَشيتُ وَقعَ وُعودِه

10. And if left then death
I must inevitably enter

١٠. وَإِن شَمالاً فَمَوتٌ
لا بُدَّ لي مِن وُرودِه

11. And if I go back
I fear the roar of lions

١١. وَإِن رَجَعتُ وَرائي
خَشيتُ زَأرَ أُسودِه

12. And a tall mountain blocks my eyes
So how can I climb it?

١٢. وَنُصبَ عَينَيَ طَودٌ
فَكَيفَ لي بِصُعودِه

13. And beneath my feet an ocean
With passions flowing in its depths

١٣. وَتَحتَ رِجلِيَ بَحرٌ
يَجري الهَوى بِمُدودِه

14. And above my head a watcher
Masked in his iron armor

١٤. وَفَوقَ رَأسِيَ كَمِيٌّ
مُقَنَّعٌ في حَديدِه

15. Unsheathing his sword at me
Frightening me with its unsheathing

١٥. مُجَرَّدٌ لِيَ سَيفاً
وَيلاهُ مِن تَجريدِه

16. So I do not lift my eyes
Fearing the blow of his iron

١٦. فَلَستُ أَرفَعُ طَرفي
حِذارَ ماضِ حَديدِه

17. And I have the humility of the worshipper
In his monastery on feast day

١٧. وَلي خُشوعُ المُصَلّي
في دَيرِهِ يَومَ عيدِه

18. As if I have lost my way
Wandering confused in the desert

١٨. كَأَنَّني مُستَهامٌ
ضَلَّ الطَريقَ بِبيدِه

19. If he shows me a path
I would take the path of his plains

١٩. لَو لاحَ لي مِنهُ نَهجٌ
رَكِبتُ نَهجَ صَعيدِه

20. So woe to me, how do I escape
From the red death and the black?

٢٠. فَالوَيلُ لي كَيفَ أَنجو
مِن حُمرِ مَوتٍ وَسودِه

21. Nothing except my occupation
With the generosity of Moses' right hand

٢١. لا شَيءَ إِلّا اِشتِغالي
بِيُمنِ موسى وَجودِه

22. For by it I have dispelled
The fear of many fears

٢٢. فَكَم شَديدٍ بِهِ قَد
دَفَعتُ خَوفَ شَديدِه

23. Never once after another
Do I cease counting them

٢٣. لا مَرَّةً بَعدَ أُخرى
أَكِلُّ عَن تَعديدِه

24. The days of my envious foes
Lasting while the envious last

٢٤. أَيّامَ أَنفُ حَسودي
دامٍ وَأَنفُ حَسودِه

25. The tolerant sang of Moses
In his yearning and chant

٢٥. غَنّى السَماحُ بِموسى
في هَزجِهِ وَنَشيدِه

26. And how could he not chant
Except by his faith and belief?

٢٦. وَكَيفَ يَهزِجُ إِلّا
بِإِلفِهِ وَعَقيدِه