
From me to the arrogant

مني إلى المتكبر

1. From me to the arrogant
And the tyrannical oppressor

١. مِنّي إِلى المُتَكَبِّر
وَالشامِخِ المُتَجَبِّر

2. And those who insult me when alone
And curse me when they stumble

٢. وَشاتِمي حينَ يَخلو
وَلاعِني حينَ يَعثُر

3. To those who turn away from me with hatred
Even if they do not explain

٣. رِلى المُعَرِّضِ بِالبُغ
ضِ لي وَإِن لَم يُفَسِّر

4. If I complain to them
About what happened from them they deny

٤. فَإِن شَكَوتُ إِلَيهِ
ما قَد جَرى مِنهُ أَنكَر

5. Your love has changed, my lord
So you have changed

٥. أَصابَ وِدَّكَ عَينٌ
يا سَيِّدي فَتَغَيَّر

6. You have become a leader of dissent
Marching estrangement's army

٦. فَصِرتَ قائِدَ خُلفٍ
تَسوقُ في الهَجرِ عَسكَر

7. If I say stop or proceed
Or say go forward or go back

٧. فَإِن أَقُل قِف يَسِر أَو
أَقُل تَقَدَّم تَأَخَّر

8. Like a student who is told
Oppose the people and you will be mentioned

٨. كَطالِبٍ مَثَلاً قي
لَ خالِفِ القَومَ تُذكَر

9. If people boast of wealth
And if they are wealthy they become arrogant

٩. إِن كَبَّرَ الناسُ غَنّى
وَإِن تَغَنَّوا يَكبَر

10. Difference has uncovered two
Very difficult sides of people

١٠. خِلافُ أَكشَفَ ذي دا
رَتَينِ في الناسِ أَعسَر

11. I will not forget how he deceived me
Even if he denies it

١١. فَلَستُ أَنسى خِداعي
لَهُ وَإِن كانَ يُنكِر

12. When I said where are these eyes from, my dear
And I said no eyes doubt you my bigger

١٢. إِذ قُلتُ مِن أَينَ لِلعَي
نِ يا فَدَيتُكَ أَصغَر

13. And I said I have said nothing
Bring it here so we can judge

١٣. وَقُلتُ ما شَكَّ في ذا
سِواكَ عَينِيَ أَكبَر

14. Until when the eyes shut above my cheek to look
I stole a kiss from a gazelle

١٤. وَقُلتُ ما قُلتُ شَيئاً
فَهاتِ حَتّى نُقَدِّر

15. Going along chewing sugar
From that he turned yellow and his face turned red

١٥. حَتّى إِذا أَطبَقَ العَي
نَ فَوقَ خَدّي لِيَنظُر

١٦. خَلَستُ قُبلَةَ ظَبيٍ
قَد راحَ ماضِغُ سُكَّر

١٧. فَاِصفَرَّ مِن ذاكَ وَاِحمَر
رَ لَونُهُ وَتَمَعَّر