1. Every complainer will be complained of
Every weeping one will weep
١. كُلُّ ناعٍ فَسَيُنعى
كُلُّ باكٍ فَسَيُبكى
2. Every feared one will perish
Every mentioned one will be forgotten
٢. كُلُّ مَذخورٍ سَيَفنى
كُلُّ مَذكورٍ سَيُنسى
3. None but Allah remains
Whoever exalts, Allah is higher
٣. لَيسَ غَيرَ اللَهِ يَبقى
مَن عَلا فَاللَهُ أَعلى
4. Indeed, we have been sufficiently forewarned
To Him we strive and writhe
٤. إِنَّ شَيئاً قَد كُفينا
هُ لَهُ نَسعى وَنَشقى
5. Indeed, for evil and for good
There are signs - nothing is concealed
٥. إِنَّ لِلشَرِّ وَلِلخَيـ
ـرِ لَسيما لَيسَ تَخفى
6. Whoever takes a secret lightly
Is in Allah's view
٦. كُلُّ مُستَخفٍ بِسِرٍّ
فَمِنَ اللَهِ بِمَرأى
7. You will not see anything
In creation concealed from Allah
٧. لا تَرى شَيئاً عَلى اللَـ
ـهِ مِنَ الأَشياءِ يَخفى