1. A shelter for birds in its corners
Like the scribbling of writers as they fill it
١. وارِفَةٌ لِلطَيرِ في أَرجائِها
كَلَغَطِ الكُتّابِ في اِستِملائِها
2. I looked over it as the sun glared in its crevices
The sealed one did not come out to bask in it
٢. أَشرَفتُها وَالشَمسُ في خِرشائِها
لَم يَبرُزِ المَقرورُ لِاِصطِلائِها
3. With effort you remain to keep it
When the opponent turns away in his defeat
٣. بِشِقَّةٍ طَولُكَ في إِبقائِها
إِذا اِنتَحى النازِعُ في اِنتِحائِها
4. The breakfast did not frighten away its birds
The son of a sparrow is blamed for his innocence
٤. لَم يَرهَبِ الفُطورَ مِن سِبائِها
يُعزى اِبنُ عُصفورٍ إِلى بُرائِها
5. Until we slowed it down to its end
And the peel adhered to its smoothness
٥. حَتّى تَأَنّاها إِلى اِنتِهائِها
وَاِستَوسَقَ القِشرُ عَلى لِحائِها
6. And it was sunned so it dried of its water
Beauty and generosity are among its names
٦. وَشُمِّسَت فَيَبِسَت مِن مائِها
فَالحُسنُ وَالجودَةُ مِن أَسمائِها
7. Then we aimed at the birds in their ascent
With rifles that amaze in their balance
٧. ثُمَّ اِبتَدَرنا الطَيرَ في اِعتِلائِها
بَنادِقاً تُعجِبُ لِاِستِوائِها
8. Of clay that did not come near to greenness
And no blemish of copper mixed into it
٨. مِن طينَةٍ لَم تَدنُ مِن غَضرائِها
وَلَم يُخالِطها نَقا مَيثائِها
9. It does not require the shooter to select
For it strikes the birds in their rising
٩. لا تُحوِجُ الرامي إِلى اِنتِقائِها
فَهيَ تُراقي الطَيرَ في اِرتِقائِها
10. Like the blazing of fire in its kindling
From blacks of backs and from greys
١٠. مِثلَ تَلَظّي النارِ في اِلتِظائِها
مِن سودِ أَعجازٍ وَمِن رَهائِها
11. And from its sunrises and from its dyed
Each earthenware on its stand
١١. وَمِن شُروقاها وَمِن صَبغائِها
كُلَّ حَبَنطاةٍ عَلى اِحبِنطائِها
12. A wounding to the whale from its sores
Cleft-lipped from the mud of its water
١٢. طَرّاحَةٌ لِلحوتِ مِن جَربائِها
مَرثومَةُ الخَطمِ بِطينِ مائِها
13. It crawls in two slippers from its guts
Dropping it to the ground from its heights
١٣. تَرفُلُ في نَعلَينِ مِن أَمعائِها
يَحُطُّها لِلأَرضِ مِن سَمائِها