
I was content when I received the gaze of my loved ones,

قنعت إذ نلت من أحبابي النظرا

1. I was content when I received the gaze of my loved ones,
And I said: Oh Lord, You have not given this to any mortal.

١. قَنِعتُ إِذ نِلتُ مِن أَحبابِيَ النَظَرا
وَقُلتُ يا رَبِّ ما أَعطَيتَ ذا بَشَرا

2. Nothing remains of me from head to toe,
Except my heart, that my eyes have gladdened.

٢. لَم يَبقَ مِنّي مِن قَرني إِلى قَدَمي
شَيءٌ سِوى القَلبِ إِلّا هَنَّأَ البَصَرا

3. Oh woe to him who does not care for the eye of the seer!
He will not see with it sun or moon.

٣. يا وَيحَ مَن لا يُبالي عَينَ مُبصِرِهِ
لا تَرى مَعَهُ شَمساً وَلا قَمَرا