
Alas, if only I had known you were like this with people

ألا ليت شعري هكذا أنت للناس

1. Alas, if only I had known you were like this with people
I would have hardened my heart against you, O companion of despair

١. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَكَذا أَنتَ لِلناسِ
فَأَقدِعَ عَنكَ القَلبَ يا صاحِ بِالياسِ

2. For you had long been unpleasing to an admirer
Other than me, nor did you nurture affection towards the downcast

٢. فَقَد كُنتَ دَهراً لا تَروقُ لِمُعجَبٍ
سِوايَ وَلا تُنمي إِخاءِ إِلى باسِ

3. But when your true colors shone through
And I weighed my affairs in light of that with a measure

٣. وَلَكِنَّني لَمّا بَدا مِنكَ ما بَدا
وَقُستُ أُموري عِندَ ذاكَ بِمِقياسِ

4. Then my love for you cannot be held against me
Rather, your love for me exposed my destitution

٤. إِذَن لَيسَ تُزري بي لَدَيكَ مَوَدَّتي
وَلكِن يُزري بِوِدَّيكَ إِفلاسي