1. My advice to you, O people of Egypt
So take the advice of one who counsels you well
١. مَنَحتُكُمُ يا أَهلَ مِصرَ نَصيحَتي
أَلا فَخُذوا مِن ناصِحٍ بِنَصيبِ
2. And do not leap with the leap of fools and find
Yourselves riding bareback on swords' sharp edges
٢. وَلا تَثِبوا وَثبَ السِفاهِ فَتَركَبوا
عَلى حَدِّ حامي الظَهرِ غَيرِ رَكوبِ
3. For if any trace of Pharaoh still remains in you
Moses' staff is still held in noble hands
٣. فَإِن يَكُ فيكُم إِفكُ فِرعَونَ باقِياً
فَإِنَّ عَصا موسى بِكَفِّ خَصيبِ
4. And the Commander of the Faithful has cast at you
A serpent that swallows the land's serpents whole
٤. رَماكُم أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ بِحَيَّةٍ
أَكولٍ لِحَيّاتِ البِلادِ شَروبِ