
Behold! Every visionary sees that glory

ألا كل بصري يرى أنما العلى

1. Behold! Every visionary sees that glory
Is but a cloak patched and tattered.

١. أَلا كُلِّ بَصرِيٍّ يَرى أَنَّما العُلى
مُكَمَّهَةٌ سُحقٌ لَهُنَّ جَرينُ

2. If you plant palms, our planting
Is stabbing and piercing in the breasts made keen.

٢. فَإِن تُغرِسوا نَخلاً فَإِنَّ غِراسَنا
ضِرابٌ وَطَعنٌ في النُحورِ سَخينُ

3. If I am a visionary, still my emigration
Is Damascus; but the tale is agonizing.

٣. وَإِن أَكُ بَصرِيّاً فَإِنَّ مُهاجَري
دِمَشقُ وَلَكِنَّ الحَديثَ شُجونُ

4. An associate of a folk between whom and me
Are no family ties - just a call and fancies.

٤. مُجاوِرُ قَومٍ لَيسَ بَيني وَبَينَهُم
أَواصِرُ إِلّا دَعوَةٌ وَظُنونُ

5. When the noble calls me by name I answer him
To a call wherein is nothing heavy for me.

٥. إِذا ما دَعا بِاسمي العَريفُ أَجَبتُهُ
إِلى دَعوَةٍ مِمّا عَلَيَّ تَهونُ

6. For Oman's sake, the Muhalhil has a whim
Whenever the tribes boast, thereafter obedient.

٦. لَأَزدِ عُمانٍ بِالمُهَلَّبِ نَزوَةٌ
إِذا افتَخَرَ الأَقوامُ ثُمَّ تَلينُ

7. And Bakr, you see, holds that prophethood
Was revealed to one hearing it as an embryo.

٧. وَبَكرٌ تَرى أَنَّ النُبُوَّةِ أُنزِلَت
عَلى مَسمَعٍ في الرَحمِ وَهوَ جَنينُ

8. And Tamim said, "We see not that any one
Is like our Ahnaf till death comes to be."

٨. وَقالَت تَميمٌ لا نَرى أَنَّ واحِداً
كَأَحنَفِنا حَتّى المَماتِ يَكونُ

9. So I blamed not Qais thereafter for Kutaiba
And pride in him; boasting is tricks.

٩. فَما لُمتُ قَيساً بَعدَها في قُتَيبَةٍ
وَفَخرٍ بِهِ إِنَّ الفَخارَ فُنونُ