
Drink not pure wine from the hand

لا تشرب الراحا غير ممزوج

1. Drink not pure wine from the hand
Of a bard, for it makes one sing.

١. لا تَشرَبِ الراحاَ غَيرَ مَمزوجِ
مِن كَفِّ ظَبيٍ أَغَنَّ مَغنوجِ

2. His eyes will give you to drink
As he is transported with joy.

٢. تَسقيكَ عَيناهُ مِثلَ راحَتِهِ
مِن شَغَفٍ في الفُؤادِ مَولوجِ

3. The keenest eyes cannot discern it.
Many a century has it thrown into turmoil.

٣. تَقصُرُ عَينُ البَصيرِ عَنهُ وَكَم
دَهرٍ رَماهُ بِطولِ تَخليجِ

4. And many are slain by it, weaponless,
With only their looks and their charms.

٤. وَكَم قَتيلٍ وَلاسِلاحَ لَهُ
غَيرُ الخَلاشيلِ وَالدَماليجِ