1. The mosque, the great gathering place of religion, has crumbled,
As have the monasteries and the open plains.
١. عَفا المُصَلّى وَأَقوَتِ الكُثُبُ
مِنِّيَ فَالمِربِدانِ فَاللَبَبُ
2. I built them up over years of hard work
Until my youthful vigor began to fade.
٢. فَالمَسجِدُ الجامِعُ المُروأَةِ وَال
دينِ عَفا فَالصِحانُ فَالرَحَبُ
3. They were filled with young men like swords -
Cracked by the flame of youth but tempered with discipline.
٣. مَنازِلٌ قَد عَمَرتُها يَفعاً
حَتّى بَدا في عِذارِيَ الشَهَبُ
4. Then time turned against them, and they scattered,
Taking up the reins of fate in foreign lands.
٤. في فِتيَةٍ كَالسُيوفِ هَزَّهُمُ
شَرخُ شَبابٍ وَزانَهُم أَدَبُ
5. Never again will time produce their like -
How wondrous they were! Their memory amazes me!
٥. ثُمَّ أَرابَ الزَمانُ فَاِقتَسَموا
أَيدي سَبا في البِلادِ فَاِنشَعَبوا
6. When I was certain their company would not return
As long as I lived, my heart was crushed,
٦. لَن يُخلِفَ الدَهرُ مِثلَهُم أَبَداً
عَلَيَّ هَيهاتَ شَأنُهُم عَجَبُ
7. I showed a patience no other has shown,
And misfortunes beset me from all sides.
٧. لَمّا تَيَقَّنتُ أَنَّ رَوحَتَهُم
لَيسَ لَها ما حَيِيتُ مُنقَلَبُ
8. Thus, when I lose a brother,
No bond of blood remains between us.
٨. أُبلَيتُ صَبراً لَم يُبلِهِ أَحَدٌ
وَاِقتَسَمَتني مَآرِبٌ شُعَبُ
9. My tribe is Ghutayr, and my homeland the meadows
Of Al-Kharaj - a summer home, where grapes nursed me.
٩. كَذاكَ إِنّي إِذا رُزِئتُ أَخاً
فَلَيسَ بَيني وَبَينُهُ نَسَبُ
10. Their sap nourished me, their shade embraced me,
And flames leapt high in the brushwood.
١٠. قُطرَبُّلٌ مَربَعي وَلي بَقُرى الـ
ـكَرخِ مَصِيفٌ وَأُمِّيَ العِنَبُ
11. When the boughs swayed low, they covered me,
So none could see what lay in my lap.
١١. تُرضِعُني دَرَّها وَتَلحَفُني
بِظِلِّها وَالهَجيرُ يَلتَهِبُ
12. At night I stayed in a shelter, mourning
Like bereft women mourning what was stolen.
١٢. إِذا ثَنَتهُ الغُصونُ جَلَّلَني
فَينانُ ما في أَديمِهِ جُوَبُ
13. My longing and theirs rose up together,
As if some mischief had made us rave.
١٣. تَبيتُ في مَأتَمٍ حَمائِمُهُ
كَما تُرَثّي الفَواقِدُ السُلُبُ
14. So I took to the breast that nursed me, like a child
Clutching his mother when gripped by colic.
١٤. يَهُبُّ شَوقي وَشَوقُهُنَّ مَعاً
كَأَنَّما يَستَخِفُّنا طَرَبُ
15. Until I chose a lass from Daskarah,
Whom the years and epochs had worn down.
١٥. فَقُمتُ أَحبو إِلى الرَضاعِ كَما
تَحامَلَ الطِفلُ مَسَّهُ سَغَبُ
16. I unveiled her on a moonless night
When the weaver of fates stirred in the gloom,
١٦. حَتّى تَخَيَّرتُ بِنتَ دَسكَرَةٍ
قَد عَجَمَتها السِنونُ وَالحِقَبُ
17. Weaving a threadbare shroud, with no cloak,
No grave-niche in the earth, and no tombstone.
١٧. هَتَكتُ عَنها وَاللَيلُ مُعتَكِرٌ
مُهَلهَلَ النَسجِ ما لَهُ هُدُبُ
18. Then I cinched her waist with the belt of chastity,
And she flamed up before me like fire.
١٨. مِن نَسجِ خَرقاءَ لا تُشَدُّ لَها
آخِيَّةٌ في الثَرى وَلا طُنُبُ
19. The forbidden draft was poured for the remorseful,
And the thorns of parting were our lot.
١٩. ثُمَّ تَوَجَّأتُ خَصرَها بِشَبا الـ
ـإِشفى فَجاءَت كَأَنَّها لَهَبُ
20. I say, as the two vie in their likeness,
"Which of the two is golden?"
٢٠. فَاِستَوسَقَ الشُربُ لِلنَدامى وَأَجـ
ـراها عَلَينا اللُجَينُ وَالغَرَبُ
21. They are the same, but between them lies
The fact that they are solid, while I flow.
٢١. أَقولُ لَمّا تَحاكَيا شَبَهاً
أَيُّهُما لِلتَشابُهِ الذَهَبُ
22. Polished idols like her stand engraved,
With priests and crosses carved on them.
٢٢. هُما سَواءٌ وَفَرقُ بَينِهِما
أَنَّهُما جامِدٌ وَمُنسَكِبُ
23. They recite their Gospel, and above them
Is a wine-red sky with clusters for stars,
٢٣. مُلسٌ وَأَمثالُها مُحَفَّرَةٌ
صُوِّرَ فيها القُسوسُ وَالصُلُبُ
24. As though pearls scattered by the hands
Of maidens roused to play.
٢٤. يَتلونَ إِنجيلَهُم وَفَوقَهُمُ
سَماءُ خَمرٍ نُجومُها الحَبَبُ
٢٥. كَأَنَّها لُؤلُؤٌ تُبَدِّدُهُ
أَيدي عَذارى أَفضى بِها اللَعِبُ