
I have a friend heavier than Mount Uhud

لي صاحب أثقل من أحد

1. I have a friend heavier than Mount Uhud
His company as long as he lived was a burden

١. لي صاحِبٌ أَثقَلُ مِن أُحدِ
قَرينُهُ ما عاشَ في جَهدِ

2. The mark of hatred is on his face
Evident since he was in the cradle

٢. عَلامَةُ البُغضِ عَلى وَجهِهِ
بَيِّنَةٌ مُذ حَلَّ في المَهدِ

3. If he entered the fire, its heat would subside
And those in it would die of cold

٣. لَو دَخَلَ النارَ طَفى حَرَّها
فَماتَ مَن فيها مِنَ البَردِ