1. I complained to my father about my lisping,
So he said angrily and harshly:
١. وابِأَبي أَلثَغَ لاجَجتُهُ
فَقالَ في غُنجٍ وَإِخناثِ
2. When he saw my disobedience to him,
"How often the femaler meets the male!"
٢. لَمّا رَأى مِنّي خِلافي لَهُ
كَم لَقِيَ الناثُ مِنَ الناثِ
3. I disputed him violently
Like a guttural letter at the start of speech.
٣. نازَعتُهُ صَهباءَ كَرخِيَّةً
قَد حُلِبَت مِن كَرمِ حَرّاثِ
4. Our waterskin standing erect at times
And at others lying flat and slack.
٤. إِبريقُنا مُنتَصِبٌ تارَةً
وَتارَةً مُبتَرِكٌ جاثِ