
O you who makes the grieved forget their sorrows

يا منسي المأتم أشجانهم

1. O you who makes the grieved forget their sorrows
When consolation comes to them from us

١. يا مُنسِيَ المَأتَمِ أَشجانَهُم
لَمّا أَتاهُم في المُعَزّينا

2. The mask of sadness has uncovered a face
That God has adorned with beauty

٢. حَلَّت قِناعَ الوَشيِ عَن صورَةٍ
أَلبَسَها اللَهُ التَحاسينا

3. They were tempted by her appearance
And now they weep for the ordeal

٣. فَاستَفتَنَتهُنَّ بِتِمثالِها
فَهُنَّ لِلتَكليفِ يَبكينا

4. That face deserves to shine
Free from the sadness of those in despair

٤. حَقٌّ لِذاكَ الوَجهِ أَن يَزدَهي
عَن حُزنِهِ مَن كانَ مَخزونا