1. Faces like stars in the night, each one
A lamp for the sorrowful from every brilliant wick.
١. وَفِتيَةٍ كَنُجومِ اللَيلِ أَوجُهُهُم
مِن كُلِّ أَغيَدَ لِلغَمّاءِ فَرّاجِ
2. They shine like goblets when the night covers them,
It leads them insistently towards it.
٢. أَنضاءِ كَأسٍ إِذا ما اللَيلُ جَنَّهُمُ
ساقَتهُمُ نَحوَها سَوقاً بِإِزعاجِ
3. I knocked at a shopkeeper's door at dawn
While darkness draped like a curtain.
٣. طَرَقتُ صاحِبَ حانوتٍ بِهِم سَحَراً
وَاللَيلُ مُنسَدِلُ الظَلماءِ كَالساجِ
4. When I knocked on his door it startled him
And he said, between hope and fearful apprehension:
٤. لَمّا قَرَعتُ عَلَيهِ البابَ أَوجَلَهُ
وَقالَ بَينَ مُسِرِّ الخَوفِ وَالراجي
5. "Who is that?" So I said: "A youth called by his pleasure,
He cannot be prevented from it."
٥. مَن ذا فَقُلتُ فَتىً نادَتهُ لَذَّتُهُ
فَلَيسَ عَنها إِلى شَيءٍ بِمُنعاجِ
6. He laughed at my words and said: "You have
Stirred up my fear of something confusing."
٦. اِفتَح فَقَهقَهَ مِن قَولي وَقالَ لَقَد
هَيَّجتَ خَوفي لِأَمرٍ فيهِ إِبهاجي
7. And someone happy passed by with a light,
And snatched away an untouched maiden, unseen by suitors,
٧. وَمَرَّ ذا فَرَحٍ يَسعى بِمِسرَجَةٍ
فَاِستَلَّ عَذراءَ لَم تَبرُز لِأَزواجِ
8. Sheltered in her bower from strangers' eyes
By Chosroes the crown-bearer.
٨. مَصونَةً حَجَبوها في مُخَدَّرِها
عَنِ العُيونِ لِكِسرى صاحِبِ التاجِ
9. A eunuch whirls her around in his revelry, a filthy
Descendant of perfidious Dhu'dhawwad with earrings and anklets,
٩. يُديرُها خَنِثٌ في لَهوِهِ دَمِثٌ
مِن نَسلِ آذينَ ذو قِرطٍ وَدُوّاجِ
10. Boasting over us that the night is his mantle,
The sun his necklace, and variegated silk his adornment,
١٠. يُزهى عَلَينا بِأَنَّ اللَيلَ طُرَّتُهُ
وَالشَمسُ غُرَّتُهُ وَاللَونُ لِلعاجِ
11. While fate is not straight like an ordered path,
Rather he hurls it into disarray and turmoil.
١١. وَالدَهرُ لَيسَ بِلاقٍ شَعبَ مُنتَظِمٍ
إِلّا رَماهُ بِتَفريقٍ وَإِزعاجِ