
O you who wiped the kiss from his cheek

يا ماسح القبلة من خده

1. O you who wiped the kiss from his cheek
After you had given it to him

١. يا ماسِحَ القُبلَةِ مِن خَدِّهِ
مِن بَعدِ ما قَد كانَ أَعطاها

2. You feared that your beloved
Would recognize its imprint on his cheek and read it

٢. خَشيتَ أَن يَعرِفَ إِعجامَها
مَولاكَ في الخَدِّ فَيَقراها

3. If only we had known that this would be so
Whenever we kissed, we would have wiped it away

٣. وَلَو عَلِمنا أَنَّهُ هَكَذا
كُنّا إِذا بُسنا مَسَحناها

4. Leaving its trace remaining
So it could be recognized by whoever sought it

٤. فَصارَ فيها رَسمُها باقِياً
يَعرِفُها مَن يَتَهَجّاها

5. And we would not have left it as it was
Or erased it after imprinting it

٥. وَلا تَرَكناها عَلى حالِها
وَلامُها مِنها مَحَوناها

6. Thus the remainder of the name would have been a dome
With an opening in your cheek as its course

٦. فَكانَ باقي الإِسمِ لي قُبَّةٌ
بِالفَتحِ في خَدِّكَ مَجراها