1. You punished me more than I deserved,
And oppressed me, relishing my oppression.
١. عاقَبتَني بِأَشَدَّ مِن جُرمي
وَظَلَمتَني مُستَعذِباً ظُلمي
2. You thought I wouldn’t seek revenge,
So you were silent when you knew.
٢. وَظَنَنتَ أَنّي غَيرُ مُنتَقِمٍ
فَسَكَتَّ حينَ سَكَتَّ عَن عِلمِ
3. If only I had a soul that obeyed me,
You would not beat me to the stabbing.
٣. فَلَوَ اَنَّ لي نَفساً تُطاوِعُني
ما كُنتَ تَسبِقُني إِلى الصَرمِ
4. My enemies have reveled in their hatred,
Lifting them up and calling them my name.
٤. أَشمَتَّ حُسّادي بِبُغيَتِهِم
وَرَفَعتَهُم وَدَعَوتَهُم بِاِسمي
5. I trusted you with my rights,
Until I saw you take their side against me.
٥. قَد كُنتَ مِن حَقّي عَلى ثِقَةٍ
حَتّى رَأَيتُكَ دونَهُم خَصمي
6. If I said what they claim I did,
Then I ate the flesh of madness.
٦. إِن كُنتُ قَد قُلتُ الَّذي زَعَموا
فَأَكَلتُ أَكلَةَ جُنَّةٍ لَحمي
7. So pass on lightly, serious avenger,
This jest that seemed good to you and insult me freely.
٧. فَاِبلُغ بِهَزلٍ جِدُّ مُنتَقِمٍ
فيما بَدا لَكَ وَاِستَبِح شَتمي