1. Do not lament a quarter that has healed
And time has erased its traces
١. لا تَبكِ رَبعاً عَفا بِذي سَلَمِ
وَبَزَّ آثارَهُ يَدُ القِدَمِ
2. The breeze of our tribe awakens us gently
Its scent is aromatic myrrh
٢. وَعُج بِنا نَجتَلي مُخَدَّرَةً
نَسيمُها ريحُ عَنبَرٍ ضَرِمِ
3. When the wine uplifts her, it makes her laugh
With a beautiful smiling countenance
٣. إِذا عَلاها المِزاجُ أَضحَكَها
عَنِ اللَآلي بِحُسنِ مُبتَسِمِ
4. From the palm of a young gazelle that sang sweetly
Perfect from horn to hoof
٤. مِن كَفِّ ظَبيٍ أَغَنَّ ذي غَنَجٍ
أُكمِلَ مِن قَرنِهِ إِلى القَدَمِ
5. A smooth-gaited she-camel, its rider
An adolescent, or an adolescent-like man
٥. أَغيَدُ مُرتَجَّةٌ رَوادِفُهُ
مُحتَلِمٌ أَو دُوَينَ مُحتَلِمِ
6. As if his cheeks in their whiteness
Were dyed and his cheeks made rosy with blood
٦. كَأَنَّ خَدَّيهِ في بَياضِهِما
قَد أُشرِبَت وَجنَتاهُما بِدَمِ
7. As if his temples in their darkness
Were lines drawn on cheeks by a pen
٧. كَأَنَّ صُدغَيهِ في سَوادِهِما
خُطّا عَلى عارِضَينِ بِالقَلَمِ
8. As if he were a pearl reddened with dye
That a monk hung on an idol
٨. كَأَنَّهُ دُرَّةٌ مُحَبَّرَةٌ
عَلَّقَها راهِبٌ عَلى صَنَمِ
9. So whenever I am alone with this policeman
I am bashful, restrained in modesty
٩. فَذاكَ شَرطي إِذا خَلَوتُ بِهِ
مُحتَشِماً رِقبَةً مِنَ الحَشَمِ