1. Tell those who love fine poetry
And polish a phrase before their ruin
١. قولا لِمَن يَعشَقُ قَصرِيَّةً
يَستَفُّ حُرفاً قَبلَ إِفلاسِهِ
2. That they have grasped a viper
Hastening to knock out their teeth
٢. فَقَد ثَوى في كَفِّ سَدّاجَةٍ
مِسرِعَةٍ في قَلعِ أَضراسِهِ
3. It leads the lover until poverty
Grips his breath
٣. تُواصِلُ العاشِقَ حَتّى إِذا
ما أَخَذَ الفَقرُ بِأَنفاسِهِ
4. It betrays and the youth's horns
Tremble from the pounding on his head
٤. دَلَّت بِغَدرٍ وَقُرونُ الفَتى
تَهتَزُّ بِالكَشخِ عَلى راسِهِ