1. I enjoyed drinking wine when I was wealthy,
But stayed away when I became impoverished.
١. أَبَحتُ حَريمَ الكَأسِ إِذ كُنتُ مُثرِياً
وَأَقصَرتُ عَنها بَعدَما صِرتُ مُعسِرا
2. If only I had money to enjoy it,
I would forget the revelers like Chosroes and Caesar.
٢. وَلَو أَنَّ مالي يَستَقِلَّ بِلَذَّتي
لَأَنسَيتُ أَهلَ اللَهوِ كِسرى وَقَيصَرا
3. I trust in God's forgiveness of every Muslim,
So I shall not neglect prayer as long as I live.
٣. وَثِقتُ بِعَفوِ اللَهِ عَن كُلِّ مُسلِمٍ
فَلَستُ عَنِ الصَهباءِ ما عِشتُ مُقصِرا
4. The loose-reined beauty sways
Like a green basil twig.
٤. وَأَحوَرَ مَخلوعِ الزِمامِ تَخالُهُ
قَضيباً مِنَ الريحانِ يَهتَزُّ أَخضَرا
5. Sick are the eyelids of the sleepy drunk
Whose lips are sweet with sugar.
٥. مَريضِ جُفونِ المُقلَتَينِ مُزَنَّرٍ
لَهُ شَفَةٌ مِن مَصِّها مَصَّ سُكَّرا
6. If he were awake or dreaming,
He would be loyal to a blind man.
٦. فَلَو أَنَّهُ يَقظانُ أَو في مَنامِهِ
يَجودُ لِأَعمى بِالوَلاءِ لَأَبصَرا
7. He bows down worshipping the pouring of wine,
And if it is mixed, he prays over it and honours it.
٧. يَخُرُّ لِصِرفِ الكَأسِ في السُكرِ ساجِداً
وَإِن مُزِجَت صَلّى عَلَيها وَكَيَّرا
8. He passed the cup to us in greeting
And coloured its robe a rosy red.
٨. أَدارَ عَلَينا بِالتَحِيَّةِ كَأسَهُ
وَسَربَلَها لَوناً مِنَ الراحِ أَحمَرا
9. I said to him, as the cup adorned his palm,
And the ewer gurgled into it:
٩. فَقُلتُ لَهُ وَالكَأسُ تُزهى بِكَفِّهِ
وَقَد رَعَفَ الإِبريقُ فيها وَقَرقَرا
10. "By your Lord, did you give me wine or pure drink?"
He said, to avoid sin: "Yellow water."
١٠. بِرَبِّكَ خَمراً أَم نَقيعاً سَقَيتَني
فَقالَ مِنَ التَكريهِ ماءً مُزَعفَرا
11. So I said: "Give me some sleep,"
"And we will indulge it when dawn glows."
١١. فَقُلتُ لَهُ هَب لي مِنَ النَومِ رَقدَةً
فَسَوفَ نُغاديها إِذا الصُبحُ أَسفَرا