
Is it not enough that your eyes glance

أما كفى طرفك أن ينظرا

1. Is it not enough that your eyes glance
Whether it goes to bid farewell or wakes early

١. أَما كَفى طَرفَكَ أَن يَنظُرا
إِن راحَ لِلتَسليمِ أَو بَكَّرا

2. He saw the one he loves but was not pleased
With his fortune, and how many are displeased when they do not see

٢. رَأى الَّذي يَهوى فَلَم يَرضَهُ
حَظّاً وَما أَكثَرَ مَن لا يَرى

3. So is your state today, and the state of the one
You love, who does not despair that he will succeed

٣. فَشَأنَكَ اليَومَ وَشَأنَ الَّذي
تَهوى فَما أَيأَسَ أَن تَظفَرا

4. The goal of the young man in all that he desires
Is to reach the end or be excused

٤. قَصدُ الفَتى في كُلِّ ما رامَهُ
أَن يَبلُغَ الغايَةَ أَو يُعذَرا