
I ransom you, I have no turning away from you,

فديتك ليس لي عنك انصراف

1. I ransom you, I have no turning away from you,
Nor in passion any disengagement from you.

١. فَدَيتُكِ لَيسَ لي عَنكِ اِنصِرافُ
وَلا لِيَ في الهَوى مِنكِ اِنتِصافُ

2. Your union is to me the refined honey,
Your separation is to me bitter aloe.

٢. وِصالُكِ عِندِيَ الشَهدُ المُصَفّى
وَهَجرُكِ عِندِيَ السُمُّ الزُعافُ

3. A questioner asked when I would be consoled of her,
I said to her, "When the morning becomes hoary."

٣. وَقائِلَةٍ مَتى عَنها تَسَلّى
فَقُلتُ لَها إِذا شابَ الغُدافُ

4. I circle your abode each day,
As if your abode was made for circling.

٤. أَطوفُ بِقَصرِكُم في كُلِّ يَومٍ
كَأَنَّ لِقَصرِكُم خُلِقَ الطَوافُ

5. And were it not for love of you I'd have kept to my home,
For in my home is restful comfort for me.

٥. وَلَولا حُبُّكُم لَلَزِمتُ بَيتي
فَفي بَيتي لِيَ الراحُ السُلافُ

6. I am the slave who acknowledges the length of bondage,
And from a slave there is no opposition to you.

٦. أَنا العَبدُ المُقِرُّ بِطولِ رِقٍّ
وَلَيسَ عَلَيكِ مِن عَبدٍ خِلافُ