1. Love made me laugh and cry
And longing stirred within my secret heart
١. أَضحَكَني الحُبُّ وَأَبكاني
وَهاجَ شَوقي طولُ كِتماني
2. For a radiant-faced maid, slender as a bough
Her perfect form, a castle in miniature
٢. مِن حُبِّ حَوراءَ رُصافِيَّةٍ
كَرَنَّها غُصنٌ مِنَ البانِ
3. Elfin in human form, her plaited hair
Would suit a wanton or adulterer
٣. مَخروطَةُ الكُمَّينِ قَصرِيَّةٌ
جِنِّيَّةٌ في خَلقِ إِنسانِ
4. As if from her beauty a pearl shone forth
Outstretched in a peasant's hand
٤. مَطمومَةُ الشَعرِ غُلامِيَّةٌ
تَصلُحُ لِلّوطِيِّ وَالزاني
5. Or a musk-pod mixed with ambergris
Cradled in a leaf of sweet basil.
٥. كَأَنَّها مِن حُسنِها دُرَّةٌ
بارِزَةٌ مِن كَفِّ دَهقانِ
٦. أَو مِسكَةٌ خالَطَها عَنبَرٌ
وَاستَودَعَت طاقَةَ رَيحانِ