
Where is the answer, where is the reply to my letters?

أين الجواب وأين رد رسائلي

1. Where is the answer, where is the reply to my letters?
She said, wait for her reply in the future

١. أَينَ الجَوابُ وَأَينَ رَدُّ رَسائِلي
قالَت تَنَظَّر رَدَّها في قابِلِ

2. So I extended my palm, and said, give alms
She said, yes with rocks and bricks

٢. فَمَدَدتُ كَفّي ثُمَّ قُلتُ تَصَدَّقي
قالَت نَعَم بِحِجارَةٍ وَجَنادِلِ

3. If you are poor, pass by our door
And go back, for you will get nothing from us

٣. إِن كُنتَ مِسكيناً فَجاوِز بابَنا
وَاِرجِع فَما لَكَ عِندَنا مِن نائِلِ

4. O reproacher of the poor when he asks
God blames the reproach of the beggar

٤. يا ناهِرَ المِسكينِ عِندَ سُؤالِهِ
اللَهُ عاتَبَ في اِنتِهارِ السائِلِ