1. Youth was created, but not my naughtiness,
And I shot arrows at the target of time.
١. خَلُقَ الشَبابُ وَشِرَّتي لَم تُخلَقِ
وَرَمَيتُ في غَرَضِ الزَمانِ بِأَفوَقِ
2. The arrows fall behind it as though
It were the track of ants that couldn't be reached.
٢. تَقَعُ السِهامُ وَرائَهُ وَكَأَنَّهُ
أَثَرَ الخَوالِفِ طالِبٌ لَم يَلحَقِ
3. And I see my strength diminished by laziness,
Then when I exert it, it is flabby at the elbow joint.
٣. وَأَرى قُوايَ تَكاءَدَتها رَيثَةٌ
فَإِذا بَطَشتُ بَطَشتُ رِخوَ المِرفَقِ
4. And I went out early with marked, known weapons
Of noisy, clanking chains, already prepared.
٤. وَلَقَد غَدَوتُ بِدُستُبانٍ مُعلَمٍ
صَخِبِ الجَلاجِلِ في الوَظيفِ مُسَبَّقِ
5. A free man whose palm we made skillful
At woman's work, and gaining booty from the coward.
٥. حُرٌّ صَنَعناهُ لِتُحسِنَ كَفُّهُ
عَمَلَ الرَفيقَةِ وَاِستِلابَ الأَخرَقِ
6. It removes grit with two dear pupils
Of the eyelids of Salim, not pierced.
٦. يَجلو القَذى بِعَقيقَتَينِ اِكتَنَّتا
بِذَرا سَليمِ الجَفنِ غَيرَ مُخَرَّقِ
7. It cast off its burdens and made a cloak
That had been tailored by a careful artisan.
٧. أَلقى زَآبِرَهُ وَأَخلَقَ بَزَّةً
كانَت حِياكَةَ صانِعٍ مُتَنَوِّقِ
8. So it is as though armored in brocade
From an uncompressed mattress, not patched.
٨. فَكَأَنَّهُ مُتَدَرِّعٌ ديباجَةً
عَن قالِصِ التُبّانِ غَيرَ مُسَوَّقِ
9. And if you witness it in battle, flight
Leaves it, while it remains valiantly truthful.
٩. وَإِذا شَهِدتَ بِهِ الوَقيعَةَ أَقلَعَت
عَنهُ الغَيابَةُ وَهوَ حُرُّ المِصدَقِ
10. You see the lance avoid the nostril of its guide
Who urges on the active, black horses.
١٠. فَتَرى الإِوَزَّ فُوَيتَ خَطمِ مُشَيَّعٍ
غَرثانَ أَنشاطِ الشَواكِلِ سَودَقِ
11. Their necks darken and their zeal shortens
At a cultivated, eloquent poet's satires,
١١. يَعتامُ جِلَّتَها وَيَقصُرُ شَؤوَها
بِمُؤَنَّفٍ سَلبِ الشَباةِ مُذَلَّقِ
12. Until we raised our worth through their shame
So the flesh lies between being bound and ripped open.
١٢. حَتّى رَفَعنا قِدرَنا بِنِضائِها
فَاللَحمُ بَينَ مُؤَزَّرٍ وَمُوَشَّقِ
13. By this Commander of the Faithful I was revived
While my soul lies between choking and being strangled.
١٣. هَذا أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ اِنتاشَني
وَالنَفسُ بَينَ مُحَنجَرٍ وَمُخَنَّقِ
14. So hurl your mount next to a caliph
Who surpassed goals that none had surpassed before.
١٤. فَاِقذِف بِرَحلِكَ في جَنابِ خَليفَةٍ
سَبّاقِ غاياتٍ بِها لَم يُسبَقِ
15. My soul be your ransom on a day of noble deed—
If not for the restraint of his patience, I would not be freed.
١٥. نَفسي فِداأُكَ يَومَ وابِقَ مُنعَماً
لَولا عَواطِفُ حِلمِهِ لَم أُطلَقِ
16. You forbade yourself my flesh though lawful to you
And gathered together from diverse places the scattered.
١٦. حَرَّمتَ مِن لَحمي عَلَيكَ مُحَلَّلاً
وَجَمَعتَ مِن شَتّى إِلى مُتَفَرِّقِ
17. We are charging from Sali towards you, intensely
The noble souls and carrion of the sheep mounts.
١٧. إِنّا إِلَيكَ مِنَ الصَليتِ فَداسِمٍ
طَلَعَ النِجادَ بِنا وَجيفُ الأَينُقِ
18. They follow the course of sodden fur as though
The eyes of a short-necked ewe were focused on it.
١٨. يَتبَعنَ مائِرَةَ المِلاطِ كَأَنَّما
تَرنو بِعَينَي مُقلِتٍ لَم تَفرَقِ
19. Khanssa tends a small spark with dried wood
And by it for him a blaze like burnt patches.
١٩. خَنساءُ تَرعى جَوذَراً بِخَميلَةٍ
وَبِها إِلَيهِ صَبابَةٌ كَالأَولَقِ
20. Until when she found him, she did not see with him
Anything but the worn edge of his tattered cloak.
٢٠. حَتّى إِذا وَجَدَتهُ لَم تَرَ عِندَهُ
إِلّا مَجَرَّ إِهابِهِ المُتَمَزِّقِ
21. Unser refuses the caliphate to Harun
With pure, rooted establishment in the bloody incisors.
٢١. يَأبى لِهارونَ الخِلافَةَ عُنصُرٌ
مَحضٌ تَمَكَّنَ في المُصاصِ المُعرِقِ
22. A king whose nature and constitution are pleasant,
Sweet to the taste in the mouth of the taster.
٢٢. مَلِكٌ تَطيبُ طِباعُهُ وَمِزاجُهُ
عَذبُ المَذاقِ عَلى فَمِ المُتَذَوِّقِ
23. He takes on every matter while occupied
Between rituals and the successful enemy.
٢٣. يَلقى جَميعَ الأَمرِ وَهوَ مُقَسَّمٌ
بَينَ المَناسِكِ وَالعَدُوِّ الموفِقِ
24. It protects you from what you hide in doing
The smiles of a face that does not make you doubt when shining.
٢٤. يَحميكَ مِمّا تَستَسِرُّ بِفِعلِهِ
ضَحِكاتُ وَجهٍ لا يُريبُكَ مُشرِقِ
25. Until when its purpose is resolved, it takes
Both the hearing of its enemy and logic.
٢٥. حَتّى إِذا أَمضى عَزيمَةَ رَأيِهِ
أَخَذَت بِسَمعِ عَدُوِّهِ وَالمَنطِقِ
26. I swear to you by the effort of the loftiest
Oath, by all who fall short and all who ascend.
٢٦. إِنّي حَلَفتُ عَلَيكَ جَهدَ أَلِيَّةٍ
قَسَماً بِكُلِّ مُقَصِّرٍ وَمُحَلِّقِ
27. You have revered God as is due His reverence
And strived, yourself, beyond the effort of the reverent.
٢٧. لَقَدِ اِتَّقَيتَ اللَهَ حَقَّ تُقاتِهِ
وَجَهَدتَ نَفسَكَ فَوقَ جَهدِ المُتَّقي
28. You frightened the idolaters until indeed
The liquid drops fear you that are not yet created.
٢٨. وَأخَفتَ أَهلَ الشِركِ حَتّى إِنَّهُ
لَتَخافُكَ النُطَفُ الَّتي لَم تُخلَقِ
29. And the merchandise of poets, if you spend it
It is spent; and if you make it worthless, it has no value.
٢٩. وَبِضاعَةُ الشُعَراءِ إِن أَنفَقتَها
نَفَقَت وَإِن أَكسَدتَها لَم تَنفُقِ