1. Did you wet her fevered brow with cool water
To hear her moan resonate in the glass bowl?
١. أَأَدمَيتَ بِالماءِ القَراحِ جَبينَها
لِتَسمَعَ في صَحنِ الزُجاجِ أَنينَها
2. For when her temper rose, your ears did know
The tunes and sighs that met her soft growl.
٢. فَقَد سَمِعَت أُذناكَ عِندَ مِزاجِها
أَنيناً وَأَلحاناً تُجيبُ دَنينَها
3. Spare her the chill water and draw near
For if you let me perish, no more cheer
٣. فَصُنها عَنِ الماءِ القَراحِ وَهاتِها
فَإِنَّكَ إِن لَم تَسقِني مِتُّ دونَها
4. Will come from cups of emerald and jade
Which Kisra's self did choose with utmost care
٤. بِآنِيَةٍ مَخروطَةٍ مِن زَبَرجَدٍ
تَخَيَّرَ كِسرى خَرطَها لِيَصونَها
5. Lest hands should trouble stillness when they laid
Along the rim and roused slumbering there
٥. بِكَفٍّ تَكادُ الكَأسُ تُدمي بَنانَها
إِذا أُزعِجَ التَحريكُ مِنها سُكونَها
6. Turbaned Hindi chiefs round chargers stayed
While steeds curvetted underneath their stare
٦. كَأَنَّ رِجالَ الهِندِ حَولَ إِنائِها
عَكوفٌ عَلى خَيلٍ تُديرُ مُتونَها