
I was tormented by my wretchedness and misery

علقت من شقوتي ومن نكدي

1. I was tormented by my wretchedness and misery
Wearing a cassock with a cross around his neck

١. عَلِقتُ مِن شَقوَتي وَمِن نَكَدي
مُزَنَّراً وَالصَليبُ في عُنُقِه

2. He came walking towards his church
I almost died of fright from seeing him

٢. أَقبَلَ يَمشي إِلى كَنيسَتِهِ
فَكِدتُ أَقضي الحَياةَ مِن فَرَقِه

3. I said "Who are you, by Christ and the
Gospel whose pages extol him

٣. فَقُلتُ مَن أَنتَ بِالمَسيحِ وَبِال
إِنجيلِ سَطَّرتُهُ عَلى وَرَقِه

4. And by the cross you worship
The full moon in the sky said "This is my horizon"

٤. وَبِالصَليبِ الَّذي تَدينُ لَهُ
فَقالَ بَدرُ السَماءِ في أُفُقِه

5. I asked where his goods were sold
He said "In my fire and burning"

٥. سَأَلتُهُ عَن مَحَلِّ بيعَتِهِ
فَقالَ في نارِهِ وَفي حُرَقِه

6. Woe to me from the seekers of the detained
I lay in wait for him on his paths

٦. فَالوَيلُ لي مِن طِلابِ مُحتَبِسٍ
صِرتُ كَميناً لَهُ عَلى طُرُقِه

7. O you who saw a lover, a stubborn brother
His deprivation grows despite his anxiety

٧. يا مَن رَأى عاشِقاً أَخا كَلَفٍ
يَزدادُ حِرمانُهُ عَلى قَلَقِه