
Abu Ja'far, you have always been a generous benefactor,

أبا جعفر لازلت مشترك الرفد

1. Abu Ja'far, you have always been a generous benefactor,
Repaying manifold the good you receive.

١. أَبا جَعفَرٍ لازِلتَ مُشتَرِكَ الرِفدِ
تُعيدُ مِنَ المَعروفِ أَضعافَ ما تُبدي

2. Your bounty to kin surpasses all,
And your bounty to strangers and the distant.

٢. عَطاؤُكَ ذا القُربى عُلُوٌّ وَفَوقَهُ
عَطاؤُكَ في أَهلِ الشَناءَةِ وَالبُعدِ

3. It gladdens my soul, despite the share I receive,
That I tell them I share with you in praise.

٣. يُطَيِّبُ نَفسي عَن نَوالٍ تُنيلُهُ
أَباعِدَهُم أَنّي قَسيمُكَ في الحَمدِ

4. And if, in your munificence, you exceed me with them,
My recompense will be the growth of my glory.

٤. فَإِن تَتَجاوَز بي لُهاكَ إِلَيهِمِ
أَجِد عِوَضي مِنها اِزدِيادي مِنَ المَجدِ

5. For whom shall I give abundant thanks after you?
Or whom shall I make my priority in supererogatory prayers after me?

٥. لِمَن أَستَجِمُّ الشُكرَ بَعدَكَ أَو لِمَن
تُؤَخَّرُ جَمّاتُ النَوافِلِ مِن بَعدي

6. I have said what will strengthen hope when heard,
And the seeker of success will be safe from the disappointment of the toiler,

٦. وَقَد قُلتُ ما قَوّى الرَجاءَ سَماعُهُ
وَآمَنَ باغي النُجحِ مِن خَيبَةِ المُكدي

7. Had you not made promises, you would not forget your share of eminence,
So how will you neglect your pledge of generosity?

٧. وَلَو لَم تَعِد لَم تَنسَ حَظَّكَ في العُلا
فَكَيفَ وَقَد أَوجَبتَ جَدواكَ بِالوَعدِ