
Enough that I have spent the night sleepless,

كفاك أني قد بت لم أنم

1. Enough that I have spent the night sleepless,
And that my heart harbors only sickness.

١. كَفاكَ أَنّي قَد بِتُّ لَم أَنَمِ
وَأَنَّ قَلبي مُستَودَعُ السَقَمِ

2. More deserving of blame is he who asks
For a picture, replicating speech.

٢. أَولى بِحَملِ المَلامِ عاذِلُ مَن
يَسأَلُ رَسماً إِجابَةَ الكَلِمِ

3. The image of dwellings brings a smile,
Though ruined by the ravages of time.

٣. رَسمُ دِيارٍ يَفتَرُّ مُبتَسِماً
مِنها البِلى عَن نَواجِذِ الهَرِمِ

4. More lasting than their bricks is what remains
Of a body, two orbits of wisdom.

٤. أَبقى البِلى مِن جَديدِهِنَّ كَما
أَبقى مِنَ الجِسمِ مُقلَتَي حَكَمِ

5. The lute now dons the earth's dustgarb
Bereft of blossoms, fresh dew and youth.

٥. قَدِ اِكتَسى العودُ في الثَرى خِلَعاً
مِن يانِعِ الزَهرِ وَالنَدى الشَبِمِ

6. Yet in me still lives, with the soul of vines,
A body weathered by the winds of cares.

٦. يَحيا بِروحِ الكُرومِ لي جَسَدٌ
أَخنَت عَلَيهِ نَوازِعُ الهِمَمِ

7. Of those whose cheeks were recalled by dancers,
A lover's face still smiles at me.

٧. مِنَ اللَواتي حَكى الحَبابُ بِها
وَجهَ حَبيبٍ إِلَيَّ مُبتَسِمِ

8. It cast its shade on one numbed cheek
Taking me from my parting to my feet.

٨. أَظَلَّ مِنها عَلى شَفا خَدَرٍ
يَأخُذُ مِن مَفرِقي إِلى القَدَمِ

9. Grey hairs could not diminish its grace,
Nor, bent, its stature shorten over time.

٩. لَم يُنقِصِ الشَيبُ مِن دَعارَتِها
وَلا وَهى عَظمُها مِنَ القِدَمِ

10. In breasts it does as daylight does to darkness,
Should we restrain it, clouds rise for its sake.

١٠. تَفعَلُ في الصَدرِ بِالهُمومِ كَما
يَفعَلُ ضَوءُ النَهارِ بِالظُلَمِ

11. The hand of Solomon brought bounty raining down,
At times unleashing vengeance and wrath.

١١. إِذا اِمتَرَتها أَكُفُّنا نَشَأَت
لَها سَحابٌ تَستَنُّ بِالرِهَمِ

12. O cream of drinking and scion of cream!
Gabriel who dispels the gloom of anguish!

١٢. كَفُّ سُلَيمانَ أَمطَرَت نِعَماً
وَتارَةً تَستَهِلُّ بِالنِقَمِ

13. My tongue is still describing your perfection,
O son of the hunt, though my powers fail me,

١٣. يا غُرَّةَ الشَربِ وَاِبنَ غُرَّتِهِم
جِبريلُ مُردي كَتائِبَ البُهَمِ

14. And though I offer nothing but excuses,
Were I to speak, before all other tongues.

١٤. كَلَّ لِساني عَن وَصفِ مَدحِكَ يا اِب
نَ الصيدِ وَاِستُضعِفَت قِوى هِمَمي

١٥. وَلَستُ إِلّا مُعذِراً وَلَوِ اِس
تَنطَقتُ فيهِ عَن أَلسُنِ الأُمَمِ