
Leave her love alone, if you are wise,

دع جنانا وحبها

1. Leave her love alone, if you are wise,
Do not remind yourself of death while it is oblivious.

١. دَع جِناناً وَحُبَّها
عَنكَ إِن كُنتَ عاقِلا

2. If you do not die of love for her this year,
You will not escape death when it comes.

٢. لا تُذَكِّر بِنَفسِكَ ال
مَوتَ ما دامَ غافِلا

3. Have mercy on yourself, for she
Who left you was unworthy.

٣. أَنتَ إِن لَم تَمُت بِها ال
عامَ لَم تَنجُ قابِلا

٤. رُحِمَت نَفسُكَ الَّتي
ذَهَبَت عَنكَ باطِلا