1. O you whose passing thought adorns
The verse aligned across his brow
١. يا ذا الَّذي يَخطِرُ في مِشيَتِه
قَد صَفَّفَ الشَعرَ عَلى جَبهَتِه
2. Who's tucked his gown behind his back
And tapped his staff upon the ground
٢. وَسَرَّحَ المِئزَرَ مِن خَلفِه
وَدَقَّقَ البانَ عَلى وَفرَتِه
3. My heart is filled with all the pain
His cool neglect has rendered now
٣. قَلبي عَلى ما كانَ مِن شِقوَتِه
صَبٌّ بِمَن يَهوى عَلى جَفوَتِه
4. With blame he constantly provokes
When mercy's what I need from him
٤. يَختَلِقُ السَخطَةَ لي ظالِماً
أَحوَجُ ما كُنتُ إِلى رَحمَتِه
5. Each time he makes some tryst with me
His sickness breaks it, I'll allow
٥. أَكُلَّما جَدَّدَ لي مَوعِداً
أَخلَفَهُ التَنغيصُ مِن عِلَّتِه
6. When distant, silently I blame
Draw near, his awe makes me endow
٦. أُضمِرُ في البُعدِ عِتاباً لَهُ
فَإِن دَنا أُنسيتُ مِن هَيبَتِه
7. All dressed in clothes flung open wide
God's creature restless in his style
٧. مُبَتَّلٌ تَثنيهِ أَعطافُهُ
أَميَسُ خَلقِ اللَهِ في خَطرَتِه
8. With thighs a-quiver as he strides
Beauty confusing, tempting, guile
٨. مُهَفهَفٌ تَرتَجُّ أَردافُهُ
يَتيهُ بِالحُسنِ عَلى جيرَتِه
9. Bewildered, sight confounded, stilled
His face, the sun in all its smiles
٩. يَحارُ رَجعُ الطَرفِ في وَجهِهِ
وَصورَةُ الشَمسِ عَلى صورَتِه
10. Beauty itself to him is build
Fragrance from him all else beguiles
١٠. يَنتَسِبُ الحُسنُ إِلى حُسنِهِ
وَالطيبُ يَحتاجُ إِلى نَكهَتِه
11. One night, seemed long for rendezvous
I glimpsed him briefly, my heart thrilled
١١. وَلَيلَةٍ قَصَّرَ في طولِها
بِالكَرخِ أَن مُتِّعتُ مِن رُؤيَتِه
12. A jesting gathering's apple, he
Among the blooms, fresh, dew distilled
١٢. في مَجلِسٍ يَضحَكُ تُفّاحُهُ
بَينَ الرَياحينِ إِلى خُضرَتِه
13. No third will know our secret thought
Save he from whose cup we both filled
١٣. ما إِن يَرى خَلوَتَنا ثالِثٌ
إِلّا الَّذي نَشرَبُ مِن خَمرَتِه
14. His wine within the cup doth blend
Like gold on silver gilt, fulfilled
١٤. خَمرَتُهُ في الكَأسِ مَمزوجَةٌ
كَالذَهَبِ الجاري عَلى فِضَّتِه