
The lightning's gleam saddened you, gloomy one,

لضوء برق ظللت مكتإبا

1. The lightning's gleam saddened you, gloomy one,
It cracked through the air in flames.

١. لِضَوءِ بَرقٍ ظَلَلتَ مُكتَإِباً
شَقَّ سَناهُ في الجَوِّ وَاِلتَهَبا

2. It flashes in the cheeks of laughing companions
Awestruck by the winds of youth and morning.

٢. يومِضُ في ضاحِكِ النَواجِذِ مَحـ
ـذُوٌّ بِريحَينِ شَمأَلٍ وَصَبا

3. It cast its burden upon the horizon
And dragged its tail over the dunes.

٣. نَوَّطَ في الأُفقِ عِبءَ فُرَّقِهِ
وَجَرَّ مِنهُ عَلى الرُبا ذَنَبا

4. A mourner wailed at dawn in the branches
Feeble when overturned.

٤. وَنائِحٍ هَبَّ في الغُصونِ ضُحىً
لِمُنتَشٍ مَوهِناً إِذا اِنقَلَبا

5. It calls a beloved's name to mind
Remembered in its moist season.

٥. يَدعو بِذِكرٍ عَلى اِسمِهِ لِهَوىً
يُذكِرُهُ في زَمانِهِ الرَطَبا

6. So I sleep like an exile, calling out
With wails and cries of distress.

٦. فَبِتُّ مِثلَ المُقيمِ مُغتَرِباً
يَدعو بِواوَيلَتا وَواحَرَبا

7. I reach into my torn shirt, grabbing
Dust onto my head with my hand.

٧. مُنقَدَّ جَيبِ القَميصِ يَحثو عَلى الـ
ـرَأسِ مَلِيّاً بِكَفِّهِ التُرُبا

8. Until when I attain my goal
And fulfill my purpose,

٨. حَتّى إِذا ما اِنتَهى لِغايَتِهِ
ثَمَّ وَأَمضى في نَفسِهِ أَرَبا

9. I rely for solace on the strength
Of my back, resigned to fate.

٩. أَلجا قِوى ظَهرِهِ إِلى سَنَدٍ
مُعتَصِماً بِالعَزاءِ مُحتَسِبا

10. Noble youths reproach does not touch-
Righteous, acting and related.

١٠. وَفِتيَةٍ لا الميراءُ يَشمُلُهُم
زَكَوا فَعالاً مَعاً وَمُنتَسَبا

11. They grew on gentle manners like the scent
Of musk, permitted and emanating.

١١. شَبّوا عَلى أُدبَةٍ كَأَصوِرَةِ الـ
ـمِسكِ مُباحاً تَترى وَمُنتَهَبا

12. One with dangling locks serves them drink,
Snatching with his mouth the dripping cups.

١٢. يَسعى عَلَيهِم بِالكَأسِ ذو نُطَفٍ
أَحذاهُ ظَبيُ الصَريمَةِ اللَبَبا

13. From red wine whose laughs are stained
He pinches the gold between us in the cup.

١٣. مِن ماثِلٍ فُدِّمَت مَضاحِكُهُ
يَقلِصُ في الكَأسِ بَينَنا الذَهَبا

14. From fragrant, scintillating coffee
You see as it's mixed beloved grains.

١٤. مِن قَهوَةٍ مُزَّةٍ مُشَعشَعَةٍ
تَرى لَها عِندَ مَزجِها حَبَبا

15. Together, and the first loves to glance
At the last's loving glance.

١٥. مَعاً وَتَترى إِذا حَبا أَوَّلٌ
مِنهُنَّ وَطّا لِئاخَرٍ فَحَبا

16. They said, denying my evasion of the cup
And my killing them with my music,

١٦. قالوا وَقَد أَنكَروا مُراوَغَتي الـ
ـكَأسِ وَقَتلي بِبَثِّيَ الطَرَبا

17. "What's wrong with you? What possessed you, woe to you,
To make you so gloomy and alone?"

١٧. ما لَكَ أَم ما دَهاكَ وَيلُكَ ما
غالَكَ حَتّى اِنفَرَدتَ مُكتَإِبا

18. You've indulged in worries, distress and ecstasy,
Stirred sorrows and troubles,

١٨. قَدِ اِغتَرَفتَ الهُمومَ وَالبَثَّ وَالـ
ـوَجدَ وَهُزتَ الأَحزانَ وَالكُرَبا

19. Cast off the bow of every calamity
That struck you one day with its arrows.

١٩. رُميتَ عَن قَوسِ كُلِّ فادِحَةٍ
رَمَتكَ يَوماً بِنَبلِها كَثَبا

20. Did the mercy that people forgot its name
Since it was titled abandon you?

٢٠. أَإِن جَفاكَ الرَشا الَّذي نَسِيَ الـ
ـناسُ اِسمَهُ مُنذُ لُقِّبَ اللَقَبا

21. Or did your whipped heart's sadness and longing
And the toil of affliction and trouble?

٢١. أَرذاكَ مَجلودُكَ الكَآبَةَ وَالـ
ـشَوقَ وَجُهدَ البَلاءِ وَالنَصَبا

22. A companion whose gathering I do not hope
Will stand for a time and turn to leave.

٢٢. وَآنِسٍ لا أَمَلُّ مَجلِسَهُ
قامَ لِوَقتٍ دَنا لِيَنقَلِبا

23. I preferred that my patience not be blamed
For the joy of my heart, so it perceived anguish.

٢٣. آثَرتُ أَن لا يُلامَ حِلمي عَلى
لَذَّةِ قَلبي فَاِستَشعَرَ الوَصَبا

24. So he left while wellness did not detain him,
And my eye remained beside his.

٢٤. فَراحَ لا عَطَّلَتهُ عافِيَةٌ
وَباتَ طَرفي مِن طَرفِهِ جُنُبا