1. Quench us, for our day is a day of pleasure,
And for pleasure is a merit over days.
١. اِسقِنا إِنَّ يَومَنا يَومُ رامِ
وَلِرامٍ فَضلٌ عَلى الأَيّامِ
2. With a drink sweeter than the gaze of the beloved,
Yearning in the face of a lover with a smile.
٢. مِن شَرابٍ أَلَذَّ مِن نَظَرِ المَع
شوقِ في وَجهِ عاشِقٍ بِاِبتِسامِ
3. Not harsh which nature warns against,
A warning of hearing against the ugly talk.
٣. لا غَليظٌ تَنبو الطَبيعَةُ عَنهُ
نَبوَةَ السَمعِ عَن شَنيعِ الكَلامِ
4. A girl of ten described and softened, so if she was poured,
Over the night, all the darkness would be removed.
٤. بِنتُ عَشرٍ صَفَت وَرَقَّت فَلَو صُب
بَت عَلى اللَيلِ راحَ كُلُّ ظَلامِ
5. In garden quarters the dew shone early,
Upon it with the advent of the clouds.
٥. في رِياضٍ رِبعِيَّةٍ بَكَّرَ النَو
ءُ عَلَيها بِمُستَهِلِّ الغَمامِ
6. So it was adorned with all elegant light,
From the individual growth of its plants and twins.
٦. فَتَوَشَّت بِكُلِّ نَورٍ أَنيقٍ
مِن فُرادى نَباتُهُ وَتُؤامِ
7. You see the drinking as crescents in it,
Savoring the wine of the assembly.
٧. فَتَرى الشَربَ كَالأَهِلَّةِ فيها
يَتَحَسَّونَ خُسرَوِيَّ المُدامِ
8. And for them from its essence are servants,
Who have set it in places of pens.
٨. وَلَهُم مِن جَناهُ آذَرِيونٌ
وَضَعوهُ مَواضِعَ الأَقلامِ