1. Do not lean towards the dwellings
Of Darisat or Dhi Naqah or Bugaidah
١. لا تُعوِجا عَلى رُسومِ دِيارٍ
دارِساتٍ بِذي النَقا أَو بُغَيدا
2. We have chanted of them for a long time
And gained from them diversion and game
٢. قَد غَنينا بِهِنَّ عَصراً طَويلاً
وَأَصَبنا بِهِنَّ مَلهىً وَصَيدا
3. O daughter of the tribe, do not be suspicious
And resign to the free-moving sand grouse
٣. يا اِبنَةَ القَومِ لا تُراعي بِرَيبٍ
وَاِسلَمي رَخصَةَ الأَنامِلِ رَودا
4. Do not worry for me the passing of nights
Between them and me are distances
٤. لا تَخافي عَلَيَّ صَرفَ اللَيالي
إِنَّ بَيني وَبَينَهُنَّ عُبَيدا
5. Between them and me is a proud father
Who sufficed me with honor, refuge, and protection
٥. إِنَّ بَيني وَبَينَهُنَّ أَبا عَم
روٍ كَفاني عِزّاً وَكَهفاً وَطَودا